David Frum
There are many excellent reasons to avoid marijuana. Marijuana use damages brain development in young people. Heavy users become socially isolated and perform worse in school and at work. Marijuana smoke harms the lungs. A growing body of evidence suggests that marijuana can trigger psychotic symptoms that otherwise would have remained latent.
The young that wound their beautiful minds:
Oh, how our heart aches.
Oh, how our heart aches.
Would that the angels cloak them
with wings and fly them back to freedom
where Beelzebub can never cast
his gloom ever again. Bring them back, we pray, to
their mothers wailing in the middle of night,
yes, ululating, pleading, for their young to
return to their bosom.
his gloom ever again. Bring them back, we pray, to
their mothers wailing in the middle of night,
yes, ululating, pleading, for their young to
return to their bosom.