Not miracles? How do you explain the fact that I got healed two weeks ahead of what two doctors had predicted would take before my wound would heal and any procedure (biopsy, etc) could be done to determine any cancerous growth? How would you explain that a stranger would ring my door bell practically in the middle of the night to warn me my garage door was open and then such messenger of God would disappear like a ghost? How would you explain that a neighbor I had never met before would come to my rescue at 9 pm when I got locked out of my back door and no locksmith shop was open? And how would you explain that another neighbor just happened to be driving into his garage when I desperately needed help to push back a steel cabinet that slid and blocked my garage door? What about my child being saved from a drowning incident, almost not breathing but after the parents prayed the rosary, came to life, throwing up all the water he had swallowed and the doctor himself saying "it was a miracle that he not only survived it but, upon examination, didn't have any brain damage usually suffered by those who had such drowning experience." So many other events in the past that had saved me from the lows, the vicissitudes of life. The skeptics say it's just pure chance. What a coincidence. Who hears prayers and wills these unexplained events would happen and save this undeserving soul? Who?
"Naturalistic scientists presuppose that the universe is structured and follows rational physical laws which can be determined by experimentation and observation. The Bible actually teaches this concept. But why is there constancy in the universe and why does it follow rational laws? Because there is a Creator, because God is logical and has imposed order on the universe. The universe obeys laws because God established them. And God has given us the capability for these laws to be discovered by man; God created our mind—we are made in His image. God also wants us to search out knowledge and understanding (Proverbs 1:5, 4:7, 16:16, 23:23, 25:2).
Does this of necessity mean that science must exclude the miraculous? Since God is capable of creating the universe and establishing the natural laws which govern it, would He not also be able to supersede those laws occasionally when He chooses? It is illogical to think that God could create the universe out of nothing but then would be powerless over it."